Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another doctor update and other things.

Everything's measuring perfect still. Jude's still locked & loaded, but still no dilation. I had a final ultrasound to determine his size, he's 6 pounds & 10 ounces already. I may or may not post the pictures, they're kind of boring because he's so big and in the proper position. I just have some of his spine, top of the head, and his giant scrotum, seriously, it's huge, I may scan and post the pictures just because of that, lol. My OB is having me go to a cardiologist because of the rapid heart rate. I hope it's nothing too serious to the point where they have to induce me, that would suck.

I can't believe I'm term! I'm kind of ready to kick him out, but not ready for him to come all at the same time. I think it's just my nerves/anxiety. I just have to constantly remind myself and make others remind me that I can do this and that I'll be excellent at it. Cockiness has kept me positive through this, not going to lie.

I think I have everything ready for him, I just need to finish organizing it and everything. I have all my cloth diapers, newborn diaper covers, snappi's, butt cream, baby bath stuff, clothes, small diaper covers coming in the week, doublers, wipes, disposable diapers for the 1st few days (because of the icky first poops, and because they were given to me by several people), organic laundry detergent, organic fragrance free laundry detergent for the diapers, organic dish soap, all his laundry is done, the bottles & pacifiers (which I may or may not use) are washed, my hospital bag is packed, my diaper bag is packed, the crib is made, and the carseat is in the car.
All that's left that needs to be done is a laundry basket of laundry needs to be put away, all the pictures & decorations need to be hung, and a few more things need to be organized. The die has been cast and my decisions made: no epidural (I hate the thought of a needle in my spinal cord), and no circumcision (it's an unneccesary psychologically & physically harming procedure, plus it's not my penis to make that kind of decision about).

Part of me is wishing Chris would call or message, but part of me is glad he's gone and hopes it stays that way. The part of me that wants to hear from him is brought upon by hearing gossip from Mike about how Tom thinks Chris isn't in the wrong and how Tom yelled at Mike about something regarding the matter. Which I think is stupid of Tom, if he's going to talk to or yell at anyone about that, it should be me, not Mike. Fucking drama. Fucking assholes. I miss my friends until I realize that they are all giant tools.


  1. Sounds like you're ready. Well, as ready as one can get before the little bugger's actually here. Then you know what you forgot!

    Just a note: Did you get a cloth diaper friendly butt cream? Most will ruin your dipes because they contain things like fish oil.

  2. I have Method's squeaky green diaper cream & Weleda's calendula diaper cream. Both are made from natural ingredients, but I'll double check to see if they'll work with cloth diapers, I didn't even think of that. >.<
