Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cardiologist appt & ER fun.

I was in the ER until midnight last night.
I saw a cardiologist yesterday afternoon because my heart rate has been rapid for the past few weeks and he sent me to the ER to get an IV of medication to slow my heart rate down. I was alone & didn't want to go to the ER alone so I called my mum and went to my grandma's house to wait for her. I was hungry and my grandma wouldn't let me eat because of fear of what the medication would do to me on a full stomach and my mum was all "they're going to say "let's have a baby"" and freaking me out more than necessary.
As soon as I set foot in the ER everyone swarmed around me and badgered me with questions even though I told them my cardiologist called down there and sent me. "How far are you? Any abdominal or back pain?" I was like "Um, no. My cardiologist called you guys and sent me here and I've had back pain since before I was pregnant." Then they shipped me up to L&D for no real reason where they performed a non-stress test to check on the baby and took me back down to the ER. Then they took an EKG and hooked me up to the monitors and took blood (which I don't know why the cardiologist didn't do in the first place) and did a vasovagal massage. After waiting around in a hospital bed for an hour plus they came back and said my heart was misfiring because my electrolytes, potassium, & magnesium levels were low. So then they gave me 3 huge potassium pills & hooked me up to an IV of magnesium and electrolytes. The magnesium bag was supposed to take an hour but after 55 minutes they realized that they had the other, larger bag dripping into me instead so I had to sit there an extra hour. They sent me home around 11pm with a prescription for magnesium & potassium supplements.
I was angry though because seriously, I could've fixed the problem myself in much less time by giving myself a neck rub & drinking some Gatorade.

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