Wednesday, June 9th
- Jude's surgery.
- 6:30 am, arrived at the hospital to check-in.
- 7:30 am, they took him back.
- 11 am, they told us that the neurosurgeon finished their part and plastics were starting.
- 3:15 pm, they told us the surgery was over, went great, and they were waiting to get him into a recovery room.
- 4 pm, spoke to the surgeons, they told me everything went fantastic.
- 5 pm, finally got to see Jude and they took him to the PICU.
- Throughout all of that, I kept myself distracted by using the internet, reading, knitting, napping, and listening to music. My parents obviously went with me. My grandma came to wait with us, she bought me chocolate covered bacon because she loves me. My grandfather also came unexpectedly.
Thursday, June 10th
- Jude spent most of the day in the PICU, and they slowly removed all of his wires.
- They moved him to a room on the floor at around 5 pm.
- All the nurses and doctors said he looked a lot better than most cases they've seen.
Friday & Saturday, June 11th - 12th
- Hospital stay, nothing too exciting.
- They removed his bandages Friday morning.
- Jude slowly returned to his normal self and started playing more even though his eyes were swelled shut.- The whole time in the hospital my mum and I took turns staying with him so we could get some sleep.
Sunday, June 13th
- We came home! Even though his eyes were still shut, they were pleased with his progress and sent us home in the morning. The doctors came in in the morning while I was sleeping and my mum didn't tell me until I eventually stumbled back to the room, showered and with breakfast for the two of us.
Since then we've been home. Jude's eyes started opening later Sunday afternoon and now they're almost all the way there. He's resumed being mischievous like before and we have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't bonk his head.
We also have started trying to get him to stop co-sleeping and sleep on his own. He has to sleep upright for the next few months so that's part of the reason why. He has to sleep in the carseat in his crib, he's not too thrilled about that at night, but my mom is insistent that he'll get used to it eventually and stop waking up every 2 hours.
I got the results from the paternity test today. There's a 99.99% chance Christopher's the father, shocker.
What an ordeal to go through, for you and him... the poor thing it hurts just to look at him! I hope he makes a speedy recovery and is not in much pain!