Friday, June 25, 2010

So excited.

This week started off really, really rocky. Sunday night was great, then Monday - Wednesday were just... not good.
Thursday was great! Jude had his post-op appointment with the plastic surgeon. He's pleased with how everything looks and is healing. He'll have a hulking brow for the next year and for the next 2 months his head will still be kind of soft so we have to be extra careful about him bonking it which is hard because he has been cruising along furniture lately, luckily he hasn't gotten too ballsy and tried standing on his own yet.
He climbed up steps for the first time in the waiting room yesterday! And when we went to the Coney Island for lunch he drank water from a straw!
After that and dinner, Jon came over, he helped me sort through my records and put them away then we picked up Nicole, got slushies, and returned bottles and came back here and had a raging bonfire! We sat around and chilled and talked and it was a good night.
I have been really over being a stay at home mom for a while so I have been applying practically everywhere and scouring craigslist several times a day every day and replying to the ad's I qualify for. This morning I sent one e-mail and one application. I have already heard back from both! I have an interview tomorrow morning at a bar in Dearborn and an interview with a campaign company working for cleaner waters and safer school food in Ann Arbor today at 4. I'm so freakin' excited about it. I also have a doctors appointment at 1:30 which isn't as exciting, but still, life is good right now.
Here's a picture of Jude from today, a little over 2 weeks post-op and making a ridiculous face.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad he is gradually getting better and I wish you guys the BEST in recovery. And I hope you find a great job also ;)
