Friday, April 30, 2010

For Those Who Haven't Seen It On FB or LJ...

... I present to you via copy and pasting, what the next few months looks like for me!

The near future: I need to finish and mail out Sydney's graduation announcements, and possibly make Jude's birthday party invitations just to keep myself occupied and get it done before everything else kicks up.
Within the "next 30 days": DNA testing, not to mention whatever court crap is going to follow that.
May 17th: Jude has 4 pre-op appointments at Mott. (Neuro-psych testing, opthamologist, surgery team appointment, anesthesia pre-op).
June 9th: Jude's surgery. We'll be in the hospital for approximately 5-7 days, at least one of those days will be spent in the PICU.
June 10th: My baby sister graduates from high school, and I won't be there. :(
July 10th: Sydney's graduation party.
July 17thish: I should be ready to start working again, if I can get a job.
August 9th: Jude's 1st Birthday.
Weekend after that: Jude's birthday party.
August 17th: My Birthday.
August 25th: My mum's Birthday, hopefully being spent in California, that would be a nice getaway at the end of this shit storm.
September 2nd: Classes start.

Not to mention, a few more things that may or may not happen within the next few months involving my pets....

I forgot to mention (take a shot for every time I said "mention" in this post) that I'm taking a cardio kickboxing class with my 2 aunts and cousin. It's 6 weeks long, Monday and Wednesday so it'll end right before Jude's surgery. It's going to kick my ass, I can tell. It's like 40 minutes of cardio work and then 20 minutes of toning and when I woke up today, my abs were killing me. That's a good sign though, right? I walked in the March of Dimes walk last Sunday and I'm walking in the Race for the Cure May 22nd. Go me! At this rate, I'll be less flabby by the time I start school which will be good because then I can resume strutting around campus with an air of confidence.

I'm such a geek mum. I got my Kushies AIO diapers in the mail today and I was so excited. Unfortunately, they're the next size up so they won't fit Jude for a while... Unless I put him in them anyway lol.

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