Thursday, April 15, 2010

Major News Alert!

My little bugger is no longer a tiny pollywog. He's mobile!
That's right, he started crawling. Last week, it was slight forward motion, and everyone told me I still had a while. Over the weekend he took a few tiny one crawls forward. The beginning of this week, BAM!, he's moving all over the place. With his newfound mobility comes lots and lots of trouble. He keeps doing things that he knows he shouldn't. He's a typical boy, wants what he can't have. :P
I will admit, his curiosity is kind of cute, but it's kind of worrisome. He keeps going after my old cat. She's 19, mangy, and only likes being pet a certain way only by me 8/10 times, so I think we can all see why this is a problem... He's starting to pull up on things to stand... Like the end table to get my cell phone, or iPod, or laptop. Once those were off, he crawled around the coffee table to where I hid them and tried to crawl over my lap to get to them, clever bugger. OH! And somehow he finds ways to get to electrical cords that I've tucked away or hidden...

Video proof of this new talent to come soon, now a) I'm not on my computer, b) it's night-terrors o'clock, and c) I'm working on making my sister's graduation announcements. I offered to do it because I do nothing but sit with Jude all day, and I like doing this kind of stuff. I want to go to a scrapbooking workshop to learn how to make sweet pages.

I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I heard back from the state about the whole paternity/child support bull malarky. We're scheduled for a hearing with the friend of court on April 26th. I'm trying to not let my nerves get the best of me.

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