Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The court hearing about child support was yesterday. It wasn't very hearing-like. I went downtown to the friend of court office. Waited about an hour before they called Chris back. He didn't say anything or even look at me in the waiting room and I didn't sit near him or say anything to him because, honestly, I felt like I would say something bitchy and I'm trying to tone that down. Luckily, they were playing Star Wars in the waiting room, so that kept me entertained. There were no clocks, it was frustrating and disconcerting. Anyway, they called him back, he went back, eventually he came out, walked right past me to the elevator and left. A few minutes later the woman called me back and said, before I even sat down,
"He has the right to genetic testing and he chose to do that. All I need from you is to answer a few questions."
In my mind I wanted to ask her what he had said and why, but I knew better and that she wouldn't tell me.
"What's your phone number, date of birth, and social security number?"
I give it to her.
"Where do you work?"
"I'm unemployed right now because my baby is having surgery in June."
She didn't write down the surgery bit, just unemployed.
"Where and when was your last place of employment?"
"McDonalds. April '09."
"Give me your ID and sign here."
She takes my ID to the scanner to make a copy and I sign the paper.
"The test will take place within the next 30 days. You'll get a letter in the mail with the appointment date and time. If you don't come you'll lose the Medicaid."
Then she gave me this awkward look as if I was supposed to stand up and leave 3 minutes ago.
All in all. She was a bitch, but maybe it's just the context and/or situation.
It has to happen in the next 30 days, or else I cannot go. Jude's surgery is on the 9th of June, which is in 7 weeks and one day. If they schedule it anytime after that, there's no way I'm doing it. I'm not putting him through that stress after his surgery. As if the stress from the impending surgery wasn't enough, now there's this.
Typical guys, only thinking of themselves, which this makes no sense because it's only going to fuck him over more in the end. He's going to have to pay for the test and it's not cheap at all. I really wish he'd talk to me, this is such a craptastic situation. If I had known then what I know now, I would have never dated him, to be honest. I hate admitting it, but it's true. I don't understand how someone can be so selfish and uncaring for such an amazing person like Jude. Chris has already missed out on so much. I worry he's going to try to get custody after the paternity test comes back. I don't think it's a good idea because Jude doesn't know him at all. They haven't bonded and Chris would be completely clueless as to how to take care of him.
When we left the friend of court, I punched my hand in the elevator instead of the wall then my dad & I walked down to Ben & Jerry's for some ice cream.

On the brighterish side of things, Jude & I went to the zoo with my friend Nicole last week, I wish I could share the pictures but I lost my camera sometime after I got home. It's been MIA for the past week and it's so frustrating. I've looked everywhere 400 times.


  1. Hugs girl. I can't imagine hoe frustrating this is for you :( I say, focus on what is right in front of you, and take it as it comes. You will get through it, and in the end, the ex just looks like...an ass for a lack of a better term!

    Hang in there!

  2. Ugh, this makes me angry and frustrated for you just to read it! I am a single mom too and it is hard enough without a baby that needs surgery and a deadbeat ex that wants to be an ass about playing child support.

    We are not going through the courts just because I am afraid my ex will try and get custody even though he rarely ever sees his daughter and makes and breaks plans to see her all the time.

    Because, then when I do not drop everything at the last minute and let him see her on a day we are busy he turns around and says I am not ever letting him spend time with her and goes off on a triad....Men are such crappy human beings sometimes.
